dimanche 24 juillet 2016

Political program of PAJUDE Party

  I.In the political field

 1.1.The fight against corruption must be a
 universal prerequisite

 1.2. Administration, security and national

 The  PAJUDE party undertakes the objective of
 ensuring lasting peace and security for everyone that is how
 a policy of "proximity of Police” should be set up.

The trilogy between the Administration Police and the population must be translated
 into everyday practice.

 1.3. Fairness and Equity

 Justice : With equal skill, the benefits must be equal,
 especially when the employer is the same (Government).

 1.4. Relationships with neighboring and
 others countries

 1. Information field

 II. Economic field

 II.1 Agriculture and livestock

 judiciary must be independent: no
 injunctions of the executive to the


 Relations with neighboring and other

 sub-regional integration policy and good
 relations with the former colonizers such as Germany,
 Belgium are to encourage,
 without forgetting the good relations with emerging
 countries such as China,
 India etc ...

 Information field

 are in an age of fast information. Thus the
 PAJUDE intends to avail the Internet System on each

 II. The Economy field

 II.1.  Agriculture and Livestock

 The Burundians are over 80% relying on farms
 and livestock produce. The national budget allocated to this
 sector, which is
 currently 3% should be increased to over 10%.

 Agronomists must teach the population how to
 improve yield on small arable surface using manures,
 fertilizers and practicing
 friendly-erosion trenches systems. Burundi, which was
 yesterday proud of the
 high number of head of cattle must change its mentality to
 practice modern
 farming, and profitable.

 Il.2.Energy and Mines

 The electrical energy which is supplied by REGIDESO
 is very inadequate in BURUNDI. We must therefore build more
 hydroelectric dams.

 About mines, we should combine our Burundian
 Experts with International Experts to check if Burundi does
 not have oil, gold, diamonds in sufficient amount.

 Il.3: Commerce, Industry and Finance

 Il.4: Decentralization

 The state should only deal with areas such as
 energy, road infrastructure and leave commerce to the
 private sector while
 lowering the tax finally to encourage domestic and foreign

 Communes must present their projects according
 to their needs and the Government must fund these projects
 according to the population
 of each Commune. Communal taxes must first be paid to the
 OBR, and then redistributed
 according to commune’s projects and fairly.

 III.The social and cultural domain

  III.1. Education

 -The PAJUDE party stresses particular
 importance in the education of youth especially in the areas
 of promising jobs
 to prevent unemployment after education.

 -An Experts research center is to be created to
 bring out the great research ideas


 All the Burundian population component has to
 contribute, each according its means to cover health for
 all. Each must have his patient insurance card.